Hari ini 8 desember 2010.
kutulis ini sebagai bahan pengingat bagi diriku, bahwa cinta, kasih sayang dan segala bentuk kasih mengasihi harus :
1. Jujur
2. Percaya
3. Rela Berkorban
4. sayang
kayaknya cuma itu aja deh kalo dari aku yang selama ini aku lupain dalam perjalanan cinta saya.
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
Project Update (by google)
Here’s an update on our current projects:
Merchant Interest Survey
This project is designed to help us understand where our users would most like to spend their PayBox balance. Eventually we plan to have a completely “open box” system, allowing our users to spend at nearly any merchant world-wide. However, this will take time and happen in stages.
As we develop our service and begin to “Open the Box”, we will make it available to select merchants first for testing purposes. We’ll start by opening the service to a small group of merchants first, and then open it up to progressively larger groups as we test and verify that our service and the systems it is built upon are working properly.
Merchant Interest Survey estimated launch: Monday, December 6.
Growth Project
This project is still in early development stages. It’s a very exciting project that is designed to put more power in the hands of our EarlyBird users. It will provide direct cash payments (outside of your PayBox account) as an incentive to spread the word about PayBox. This project should help us reach our Stage 2 growth goals sooner and begin work to “Open the Box”.
Growth Project estimated launch: Sometime before January 15.
Merchant Interest Survey
This project is designed to help us understand where our users would most like to spend their PayBox balance. Eventually we plan to have a completely “open box” system, allowing our users to spend at nearly any merchant world-wide. However, this will take time and happen in stages.
As we develop our service and begin to “Open the Box”, we will make it available to select merchants first for testing purposes. We’ll start by opening the service to a small group of merchants first, and then open it up to progressively larger groups as we test and verify that our service and the systems it is built upon are working properly.
Merchant Interest Survey estimated launch: Monday, December 6.
Growth Project
This project is still in early development stages. It’s a very exciting project that is designed to put more power in the hands of our EarlyBird users. It will provide direct cash payments (outside of your PayBox account) as an incentive to spread the word about PayBox. This project should help us reach our Stage 2 growth goals sooner and begin work to “Open the Box”.
Growth Project estimated launch: Sometime before January 15.
Mengudara Kembali !!!!
halo semua!!!!
hahahahaha, basi deh, gue balik lagi nih mau coba eksis lagi ngeblog gue yang dah lama banget ga tersentuh oleh bahasa kalbu gue tapi coba lu liat deh isinya juga dah ga karuan deh, dari mulai tentang duit sampe urusan yang ga kenal duit, hehehehe.
awalnya gue balik karena ada dorongan dari sang kekasih, tapi gue pikir gue juga butuh nuangin dan curahin segala kemampuan gue kembali ke permukaan, air kali ke permukaan.
makanya gue pake gambar gunung tinggi yang menjulang, menunjukan bahwa gue akan kembali menjulang, menuju puncak seperti gunung diatas itu lhoooooo.
mudah-mudahan apa yang sudah gue share bermanfaat ya buat kita semua...
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